Community Outreach
Detour is a faith based Recovery Program designed to help those struggling with past hurts, habits and hang-ups. We integrate biblical truth with sound Recovery Practices to assist in total transformation.
Whether you need to over come an obstacle want to live a victorious life, overcoming triumphant life or your desire is to Always Win, overcomers is for you.
Storehouse Resource Ministry
The Storehouse exists to assist individuals in acquiring resources such as food and also offering referrals for clothing and shelter in our community. If you would you like to donate please contact us at our Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24022 Oakland Ca, 94623 or reach us via email.
YLCI Youth Learning & Cultural Institute
The Youth Learning and Cultural Institute is the place where youth come to discover their path to positive living a comprehensive youth development program. Visit the YLCI website for more info.
Residential Therapeutic Community/ Clean & Sober Independent Living
Services Provided: Relapse Prevention, Harm Reduction, Anger Management, Vocational Training
Change /chānj/ vb changed; chang-ing
1. to make or become different: ALTER
2. to replace with another
3. the act, process or result of changing
[1] alter, make over, modify, recast, redo, refashion, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework.
Mission Statement
Change’s mission is to turn around the lives of people in poverty, substance abusers, former felons, mentally and emotionally challenged, and others who have hit the bottom. We endeavor to empower our community to achieve its full potential by providing comprehensive development services.
Are you going through mental and emotional stress? If you are unhappy, depressed, anxious, grieving, and lonely or experiencing a lost meaning and purpose in life, then please contact us for help at CHANGE. We offer life changing experiences by providing a Residential Therapeutic Community. Our life change coaches will help you.