Welcome Visitors!
The GPS is created to motivate and connect you with classes and ministries that will help you live the maximized life. Miraculous Foundation Christian Center has several ministries created to motivate and mentor every member of your family. Whether you are married or single, male or female, young or young-at-heart., we have a ministry created with you in mind.
When Should I Arrive?
Most people arrive about 15 minutes before a service or activity begins.
What Should I Wear?
Miraculous Foundation is a “come as you are” church. Jeans or ties are equally welcomed. Casual dress is the norm.
What’s Available for my Kids?
We love kids here at the Miraculous! We have children’s programs running throughout the year designed just for them in which they can learn about God’s love for them every week in a vibrant way at a level of their understanding. Children’s Church is open to all children ages 2 to 12 years old and meets at the same time as Worship Service. Of course, children are always welcome in the worship services. As a matter of fact, we believe it is important for our kids to be with us during the service.
How Can I Connect with other Members?
The easiest way to get connected at Miraculous Foundation is through a Word workshop and the specialty classes. Please fill out a visitors card if you would like to be informed of all the events and activities available at the church.