


Miraculous Adult Ministries are unique “meet-you-where-you-are” courses. Adults of any age or background can benefit from the relaxed atmosphere and low-pressure setting the classes provide.



Mighty Men of Valor come together to be a strong tower in the Body of Christ, addressing specific needs, hurts and struggles from a biblical perspective. The men help and support one another with life issues such as male responsibility and fatherhood, mentoring young men, business entrepreneurship, finding Godly mates, building strong marriages, and taking responsibility in the community while encouraging men to join and work in other ministries within the church.



WIN = Women Increasing Non-Stop come together to support one another through prayer and fellowship. We sponsor Prayer Breakfasts, Spa Retreats and Getaways. The Bible is used to assist the women in dealing with everyday life issues, family problems, discipline of children, finding a mate, making career choices, business entrepreneurship, having a Godly marriage, and mentoring younger women.


Singles Impact

Singles Ministry is for “single somethings” within the church and community. The primary objective of this ministry is to fellowship among the various unmarried believers within the Body of Christ. The evangelism thrust of the ministry is to lovingly reach the unsaved, the un-churched, the untaught, and the uncommitted, and bring them into the family of God, which will be accomplished through special focused fellowship meeting. Singles fall into three categories: never married, divorced, widowed.


Couples Ministry

This Ministry is to endorse and enrich the biblical institution of marriage one male to one female in the sight of God. It serves as a support group to the spouses and other immediate family members.


Seniors Fellowship

Seasoned Vessels of Honor. Elders of the Church coming together to support each other, pray for the church family, lay hands on the sick, counsel and mentor the younger men and women. Passing on a Spiritual legacy to future generations.